Logotype development for charity project 50 after 50
There's a charity fund Життєлюб (Lifelover in english) which organizes the leisure for pensioners: sets points of free food, organizes dances, visits to cinema and etc. It was found in 2013 by Garik Korogodskiy and Tina Mihailovskaya.
The fund has a project Трудолюб (Worklover in english) which helps companies to accept old people for jobs and organizes for them courses of professional development.
And also there's a project 50 after 50. That is professional business portraits from The Gate agency for Трудолюб's members. So for this 50 after 50 we've developed a logotype. Simple and easy-to-understand for everyone, who gets in touch with the project.
Interesting statistics
team members
age of participants