Corelab: multifunctional workouts system
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Corelab Studios

Corelab Studios

Corelab Studios: multifunctional workouts system

Corelab Studios is a start-up with a mission to launch a boutique fitness revolution in Europe and Asia. The company aims to introduce an innovative approach to fitness, setting itself apart from traditional workout methods. The company offers a unique full-body workout experience, comprising 50-minute sessions incorporating high-intensity exercises with low joint impact.

At the heart of this innovative approach is the Corelab TransformerTM — a custom-designed machine that facilitates strength training in a controlled, supported, and sequential manner. The focus of the workout is on slow and controlled movements, designed to build lean muscle mass, burn fat, and develop a strong and flexible core that supports daily life activities.

Each workout session is guided by a coach in a small class setting, providing a supportive and encouraging environment for participants to mentally and physically challenge themselves. The diversity of exercises made possible by the Corelab Transformer ensures that no two workout sessions are the same, providing a fresh and engaging experience for participants, and avoiding boredom.

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The launch of the company’s website serves as a critical component in building and fostering relationships with customers, coaches, and potential franchisees. Through the website, Corelab Studios can effectively communicate its brand and engage with its audience, providing a platform for customers to learn about the workouts and get to know their coaches. Additionally, the website serves as a resource for coaches in different locations to connect with the company and support its growth and expansion. This comprehensive digital presence is designed to meet the needs of all key stakeholders — clients, coaches, and potential franchises.


The company faced a challenge in the halls of different cities where there were numerous multi-functional training simulators, but it was not feasible to automate the entire training process and record-keeping on these simulators.

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To resolve these challenges, the objective was to design and build a website enabling clients to register for training and track their progress easily. The goal was to create a user-friendly platform for clients to manage their workouts efficiently.

Additionally, the objective was to develop a comprehensive service and exercise catalog for coaches, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the full range of exercises and conveniently view their class schedules. The ultimate goal was to streamline the training process and improve the overall experience for both clients and coaches.

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Our engagement with Corelab Studios involved taking on the project to design and develop their website. We received the necessary materials, including the logo and design styles, from the client and began the process.

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Starting with the website design, we created a design concept and mood board that captured the essence of the company’s brand. We then moved on to the full website design, ensuring that the aesthetic aligned with the client’s vision and goals.

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Next, we delved into the layout, carefully constructing all the required pages and integrating the GloFox booking and accounting system. The seamless integration of these tools ensured that clients and coaches could manage their workouts and class schedules with ease.

Upon completion of the website design and development, we conducted a thorough round of final testing to verify that all functionality was working as intended. After successful testing, the website was officially launched, providing a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for the company’s clients, coaches, and potential franchisees.

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Final Results

The final website design was created using Figma for the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) and was built on the WordPress platform. The integration of the GloFox booking and accounting system ensured a seamless and efficient process for clients to manage their workouts and for coaches to manage their schedules. The final product was a user-friendly platform that met the needs of all key stakeholders and helped support the company’s expansion goals.

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