Front-end development of a trading platform for jewelry manufacturers in Canada indiGem Market | Solar Digital
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Jewelry Manufacturers Marketplace

Front-end development of the IndiGem jewelry marketplace

Canada has a highly developed craft and ethnic jewelry industry. Thousands of manufacturers honor centuries-old traditions and create unique products from rare metals and stones. The only way to make yourself known and sell new products is offline exhibitions held in the largest cities of Canada. But the modern world dictates new rules and IndiGem decided to create a trading platform for all manufacturers to develop online industry. The client turned to Solar Digital for the task of comprehensive development of such a large and complex product.

The project has been started with a deep analysis of user needs, building and optimizing the marketplace sections structure, the visitor’s journey map and consumer experience. The client bought a license for X-cart — a ready-made solution that organizes the server part of the trading platform (marketplace), before starting a dialogue with us. So we focused on creating a user-friendly interface and then took a look over development of the front-end part.

video presentation of website design concept
animation of navigation on a site such as an online store, a trading platform
jewelry marketplace design
mobile version of jewelry marketplace interface

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Solar Digital uses their knowledge of the current technology trends and integrates it into their design approach. They are an adaptable team with strong communication skills. Customers can expect a skilled, detail-oriented, and attentive partner.

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