UX/UI Design for GARTAL
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UX/UI Design for GARTAL

UX/UI Design for GARTAL

Website design for a Czech company

UX/UI design for a real estate company

Alright, you're already familiar with GARTAL and know that our team successfully created a recognizable and modern brand design for them. Details on that project can be found here.

But that was just the beginning! The next step was to create a website, for which we provided UI/UX design services. The site not only visually aligned with the updated branding but also aimed to be convenient, functional, and effective.

The result? A website that wowed GARTAL's clients and partners alike. More details about our work can be found below.


We understood that the GARTAL website needed to be more than just a beautiful image, it had to be a tool for business development. The project’s main goal was to ensure maximum convenience and aesthetic appeal for every site element.



Solar Digital eagerly undertook the UX/UI design project for the Czech construction company GARTAL. It wasn’t just a project; it was an opportunity to create something truly special, leveraging our previous experience in real estate and corporate website development.

We offered a comprehensive solution for designing the GARTAL website, starting with a full audit of the current solution, competitor research, and user journey analysis using specialized tools. Next, we created UX designs — their favorite part, which they greatly appreciated.

Solar Digital did not just create an ordinary UX design but tried to make it detailed so that the client could already see their future site in it. An important stage was the creation of a unique design concept that immediately appealed to the client, which was a pleasant surprise for them. After this, the development of the website design began.

During the design process, we decided to expand the initial scope to include a blog, news, contact, 404 error page, glossary of terms, and informational pages.



Here’s what we achieved in four months of work — a website that impressed GARTAL’s clients and partners. It’s a site where every pixel has been meticulously thought out by our specialists. Throughout the project, we didn’t encounter any serious issues, and the client was satisfied with both the process and the outcome.


What Did the Client Receive?

  • conducted UX research and competitor analysis
  • development of UX layouts for the main page, project page, pricing page, apartment page, and contact page
  • creation of UI layouts for the website
  • development of animations
  • competitor research document
  • current website analysis document

We take pride in creating a design that fully meets the needs of GARTAL and helps them reach new heights in their business.


Interesting statistics


UX Designer


UI Designer


Art Director





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